batch : Takes player to center of specified coordinates. warpforward : Warps player to location ahead by specified meters. warp : Takes player to designated coordinates. biome : Sends player to specified biome. Whether you need to go to a specific biome or a specific alien base, this is where you’ll want to look. These debug/console commands will take you to specified areas of the map. daynightspeed : Tweak length of day and night. cinematics: Enables/disables player animation. farplane : Toggle in-game view distance. freecam: Use in-game camera without restrictions. speed : Allows player to increase/decrease game speed. sizeref: Generates the referential Wasabi One diver. printbiome: Displays current biome name. noshadows: Disables shadows (must restart). nobloom: Disables bloom effect (must restart). fps: Displays current frames per second. The following console commands deal with specific in-game graphical or technical settings, such as increasing/decreasing FPS or freely moving the camera. Survival: Hunger and thirst meters activated. Freedom: Survival mode sans hunger and thirst. To change the game mode you’re currently playing to that of another game mode, enter the following console commands: unlockdoors: Opens Aurora and Alien doors. unlockall: Gives access to all blueprints. unlock: Gives access to specific blueprints. vfx cyclopssmokeeffect (value): Creates smoke on Cyclops. nitrogen: Allows for longer time underwater. nosurvival: Disables survival mechanics. nocost: Lets players use tools such as fabricator without materials cost. filterfast: Makes Water Filtration work faster. invisible: Makes player invisible to fish and creatures. resourcesfor : Gives specified crafting items. bobthebuilder: Puts building tools in inventory allows for fastbuild, fastgrow, fasthatch, radiation, nocost, and unlockall. toolsloot: Generates tools such as seaglide and repair tool. spawnloot: Generates loot in form of copper, quartz, etc. exosuitupgrades: Gives Prawnsuit upgrades. seamothupgrades: Gives Seamoth upgrades. cyclopsupgrades: Gives Cyclops upgrades. vehicleupgrades: Player acquires all vehicle upgrades. filtersalt: Water Filtration creates salt. filterwater: Water Filtration creates water. sub escapepod: Spawns Lifepod 5 in safe shallows.
infect : IOnfects player with a specific stage of Kharaa virus.clearinventory: Removes all items currently in inventory.item : Puts any item in player’s inventory find item list here.These debug options will do everything from give you infinite crafting materials to spawning certain in-game vehicles and curing you of disease. forcerocketready: Primes end-game rocket.infectionreveal: Plays Kharaa infection animation.playsunbeamfx: Plays part of the precursor Sunbeam section.precursorgunaim: Begins third part of Sunbeam story.sunbeamcountdownstart: Begins second part of Sunbeam story.startsunbeamstoryevent: Warps to Sunbeam story section.countdownship: Begins Aurora self-destruct timer.Best wishes to Nectar Cafe as they build out a beautiful new cafe! I look forward to seeing the new space when it’s open (and having one of their great banh mi sandwiches). As for when they are planning to be open, “excuse our dust” usually means a good chunk of dedicated time for a reno I’d hazard a guess of at least a month, depending on what needs to be done (it’s possible they just need to cut a doorway through the wall).
Plus they host works by local artists on their walls. It makes sense that they would take the opportunity to expand-you’ll find people there throughout the day enjoying a meal, meeting up with friends, or working. Comes with a side salad with a very tasty green dressing. And they have a brunch menu filled with delicious things. Their food menu is filled with sandwiches, salad, soup, and wraps I’m particularly fond of the tofu banh mi that features Obon’s tofu misozuke, as well as their homemade berry bars-all vegan. Nectar Cafe is a popular vegan restaurant in the neighborhood that is known for, among other things, roasting their own coffee beans. I was down in the Hollywood District the other day and noticed a bunch of changes have come to the little shopping center at NE Hancock and 41st Avenue: Portland Pastimes closed Teal Flamingo moved into that space and Nectar Cafe is moving into the space Teal Flamingo previously occupied, conveniently right next door.